
112 lines
2.8 KiB

package client
import (
sha "crypto/sha256"
hex "encoding/hex"
fmt "fmt"
ioutil "io/ioutil"
log "log"
os "os"
regexp "regexp"
strings "strings"
sync "sync"
time "time"
gstructs ""
zmq ""
Client mode will send an agent file to a router for processing
Clients do not process the agent files, only send them as
requests to a router. If started without arguments, the client
will contact the router and attempt to retrieve the results
of it's most recent request.
Main is the entrypoint for the client process
func Main(wg *sync.WaitGroup, config gstructs.GagentConfig) {
log.Printf("[INFO] Starting client\n")
defer wg.Done()
var agent gstructs.AgentDetails
var err error
if config.CMode {
agent.ScriptCode, err = ioutil.ReadFile(config.File)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] No such file or directory: %s", config.File)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Agent file contents: \n----- -----\n%s\n----- -----\n", agent.ScriptCode)
agent.Client = config.UUID
tmpsum := sha.Sum256([]byte(agent.ScriptCode))
agent.Shasum = fmt.Sprintf("%v", hex.EncodeToString(tmpsum[:]))
log.Printf("[INFO] SHA256 of Agent file: %s", agent.Shasum)
agent.Status = 1
agent.Hints = getTagsFromHints(agent)
agent.Answer = nil
for key := range config.Routers {
* Generate connect string for this router.
rport := config.ClientPort
if config.Routers[key].ClientPort != 0 {
rport = config.Routers[key].ClientPort
connectString := fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s:%d", config.Routers[key].RouterAddr, rport)
go sendAgent(wg, config.UUID, connectString, agent)
* Parse Agent file for GHINT data to populate the G'Agent hints
func getTagsFromHints(agent gstructs.AgentDetails) []string {
var tags []string
re := regexp.MustCompile(`\s*set\s+GHINT\s*\[\s*split\s*"(?P<Hints>.+)"\s*\,\s*\]`)
res := re.FindStringSubmatch(string(agent.ScriptCode))
if len(res) < 1 {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Agent is missing GHINT tags")
tags = strings.Split(res[1], ",")
log.Printf("[DEBUG] G'Agent hints: %v\n", tags)
return tags
func sendAgent(wg *sync.WaitGroup, uuid string, connectString string, agent gstructs.AgentDetails) {
defer wg.Done()
var mu sync.Mutex
sock, _ := zmq.NewSocket(zmq.REQ)
defer sock.Close()
_ = sock.SetIdentity(uuid)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Attempting to connect to %s\n", connectString)
err := sock.Connect(connectString)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Failed to connect to %s\n", connectString)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Start sending agent...\n")
status, err := sock.SendMessage(agent)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Failed to send agent to router\n")
// os.Exit(11)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Agent send status: %d\n", status)
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)