2023-02-10 07:23:35 -08:00

66 lines
2 KiB

// For format details, see or this file's README at:
"name": "Go",
"build": {
// "dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
"args": {
// Update the VARIANT arg to pick a version of Go: 1, 1.16, 1.17
// Append -bullseye or -buster to pin to an OS version.
// Use -bullseye variants on local arm64/Apple Silicon.
// "VARIANT": "1.20-bullseye",
// Options
"NODE_VERSION": "none"
"runArgs": [ "--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE", "--security-opt", "seccomp=unconfined" ],
// Set *default* container specific settings.json values on container create.
"settings": {
"go.toolsManagement.checkForUpdates": "local",
"go.useLanguageServer": true,
"go.gopath": "/go",
"go.goroot": "/usr/local/go"
// Add the IDs of extensions you want installed when the container is created.
"extensions": [
// Use 'forwardPorts' to make a list of ports inside the container available locally.
// "forwardPorts": [9000],
"forwardPorts": [9101, 35570, 35571, 35572],
// Use 'portsAttributes' to set default properties for specific forwarded ports. More info:
"portsAttributes": {
"9101": {
"label": "Prometheus"
"35570": {
"label": "Router To Router"
"35571": {
"label": "Worker To Router"
"35572": {
"label": "Client To Router"
// Use 'otherPortsAttributes' to configure any ports that aren't configured using 'portsAttributes'.
// "otherPortsAttributes": {
// "onAutoForward": "silent"
// },
// Use 'postCreateCommand' to run commands after the container is created.
// "postCreateCommand": "go version",
// Uncomment to connect as a non-root user. More info:
"remoteUser": "vscode"